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五峰旗瀑布 Wufengqi Scenic Area | |
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03-9880940 | ||
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03-950-6174(宜蘭縣風景區管理所) | ||
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宜蘭縣礁溪鄉五峰路 |
簡介 |
五峰旗瀑布位於宜蘭縣礁溪鄉五峰旗風景區內,五峰旗風景區是陽八景之一,區內有五座尖峰排列,酷似五面三角旗豎於此,故得名為『五峰旗』,風景區內除了五峰旗瀑布、五峰幽谷以外,還有天主教五峰旗聖母朝聖地也是宜蘭縣著名的風景區;區內有廣大的停車場、噴水池、小公園、涼亭、石桌椅、石階步道、露營場地等設施,在入口處更規劃有兒童戲水區,清澈涼洌的水質,每逢例假日皆會吸引大朋友小朋友到此戲水,是全家人的休閒勝地。 五峰旗瀑布分三層全長約有100公尺,第一層瀑布長約20公尺隱身在小山谷樹叢後,順流而下有數處潭水可供遊客嬉戲;第二層瀑布長約30公尺,為大家所熟知的瀑布,泉水由山腰直瀉而下,在崖角設有觀瀑亭可眺望層巒疊翠,搭配著鳥聲蟲鳴交織而成的大自然樂章,是最佳的觀瀑地點;第三層瀑布長約50公尺,泉水自山中如萬馬奔騰般傾洩而下,水花四濺激起更多比SPA水療室更多的水氣可戲水或悠游於潭中,享受酷暑裡的清涼。 The Wufengqi Falls are one of the eight great scenic spots of the Lanyang Plains, belonging to Jiao River (Jioxi) Township in Yilan County. The Wufengqi Falls are named for the five sharp peaks which stand in a row behind the falls, that look like the five triangular banners that usually hang down the back of the war generals costume in Chinese Opera. Fog and mist drift gracefully around the mountaintop year-long, and torrents of mountain springs continuously flow down its slopes, forming the three layers of cascades that are now the Wufengqi Falls. There are three layers to the Falls, and they measure 100 meters from top to bottom. The entrance to the scenic viewpoint is situated near the bottom layer of the Falls, and there is also a barbecue area, and a play area for children to splash in the pools. A viewing pavilion is constructed at the mid-layer of the Falls; there is a vast expanse of vision at this point, and tourists may enjoy viewing the lush mountains, and the cascades shooting out from the precipices. The scene in the eight famous scenic views of Lanyang that is poetically named, mists draping the western peaks refers to the Wufengqi Falls. The Falls are situated in an enclosed valley, which enhances the mystic beauty of the peaks. At dawn, as the sky slowly begins to brighten, musical birdsong can be heard resonating throughout the valley; the unique tranquility in the atmosphere is indescribable. The Ancient Horse Route: Starting from Jiao River (Jioxi) and going upwards along the foot of the Wufeongqi peaks, there is an ancient route, called the ncient Horse Route by the locals. Before the Taipei-Yilan Highway was constructed, this route was the only means of reaching Taipei from Jiao River (Jioxi). Now, orange and kumquat orchards dot both sides of the route, creating lush scenery and a rustic atmosphere. |
景點照片 | ||||
營業資訊 |
開放時間 全日開放 相關費用 本風景區免收門票 注意事項 注意事項:禁止遊客戲水。 遊憩設施:觀瀑步道、涼亭。 遊客設施服務:餐飲、特產、紀念品販賣區。 停車設施:免費停車場。 |
交通資訊 |
★ 自行開車: 1、台9線:由台北走北宜公路至礁溪,轉走沿大忠路往五峰旗方向即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 2、台2線:由台北走北部濱海公路於頭城進入再轉往礁溪,沿大忠路往五峰旗方向行駛即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 3、國道五號:由國道一號(中山高)至汐止系統交流道轉走國道五號(北宜高速公路),過雪山隧道由頭城交流道下往礁溪方向行駛,轉走沿大忠路往五峰旗方向,即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 4、國道五號:由國道三號(二高)至南港系統交流道轉走國道五號(北宜高速公路),過雪山隧道由頭城交流道下往礁溪方向行駛,轉走沿大忠路往五峰旗方向,即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 ★ 搭乘大眾運輸: 1、台鐵:搭乘台鐵北迴線至礁溪火車站,往五峰路方向步行約3公里即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 2、客運: (1)、由台北國道客運總站搭乘往宜蘭、羅東、蘇澳方向的國光客運至協天廟站,往大忠路方向步行約6公里即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 (2)、搭乘首都之星或葛瑪蘭客運往礁溪方向之班車至協天廟站,往大忠路方向步行約6公里即可到達五峰旗瀑布。 |
地圖資訊 |